About us

We represent over 500 airports in 55 countries. Our members facilitate over 90% of commercial air traffic in Europe. Air transport supports 14 million jobs, generating €851 billion in European economic activity (5% of GDP). In response to the Climate Emergency, in June 2019 our members committed to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions for operations under their control by 2050, without offsetting. Based in Brussels, we lead and serve the European airport industry and maintain strong links with other ACI regions throughout the world.

Corporate Leaflet

Working together

Our membership is comprised of airport operators of all sizes, along with national airport associations, World Business Partners and educational establishments - working together in an active association to ensure effective communication and advocacy with legislative, technical, environment, passenger, commercial and other interests.

We work on a diverse range of issues including airport capacity and slots, airport connectivity, aviation liberalisation & external relations, airport leadership & change management, airport traffic, airport safety & security, customer service, EU funding, ATM, regional airports and the Single European Sky & SESAR Joint Undertaking.

We are also actively engaged in promoting climate action by the airport industry through the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme, the only institutionally-endorsed carbon management certification standard for airports.

  • +500 airports
  • 55 European countries
  • 2.3 billion passengers

Fast Facts

  • Airport Economics

    Airports typically rely on two distinct revenue streams: aeronautical revenues consisting of charges paid by airlines and passengers for the use of airport facilities and services; and non-aeronautical revenues consisting of a wide range of commercial activities. 
    42% of the European airports are loss-making – with 71% of airports with less than 1 million passengers per year in the red.
    Aeronautical revenues make up 55% of airports’ total revenues. Revenues earned from charges paid directly by airlines (aircraft-related charges) account for only 17% of airports’ revenues.
  • Airport Investment & Ownership

    Airports are extremely capital intensive business due to the need to keep investing for the future and ensure that their facilities are up to date and able to meet projected passenger and freight demand. Europe’s airports are planning to invest more than €50 billion over the period 2019-2023, with capital costs accounting for around 30% of total costs.
    The ACI EUROPE report The Ownership of Europe’s Airports shows that over 40% of Europe's airports have at least some private shareholders - and these airports handle close to 75% of passenger traffic each year. This number is slowly increasing each year.
  • Economic Impact

    According to a 2015 study by InterVISTAS on the Economic Impact of European Airports, airports contribute to the employment of 12.3 million people, earning €365 billion in income annually. Overall, they generate €675 billion in income annually - accounting for 4.1% of GDP in Europe.

  • Sustainability

    In June 2019, ACI EUROPE launched its Sustainability Strategy for Airports, which is based on the following shared vision of the sustainable airport of the future: “Every airport builds local and global partnerships to accelerate the journey towards fair, prosperous and environmentally responsible societies”.
    Over 200 of Europe’s airports also committed to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions without offsetting for their own operations by 2050.

  • Regional Airports

    Almost 500 airports are regional airports in Europe, serving primarily short and medium range routes and point to point destinations. With 209 air carriers, more than 14,600 routes to over 724 destinations in 2017, regional airports play a vital role in connecting the regions of Europe – largely defining the economy of their communities and strengthening social cohesion. They contribute to the employment of 1.8 million people and they generate €84 billion of GDP.

  • Security

    An average 20% of airport operating costs are security-related, with a significant percentage of airport staff being security-related.
    Europe is the only region in the world, where aviation security receives little or no state funding.

    More than 2.6 billion passengers pass through Europe's airports every year, connecting places, people and products.


The stated vision and mission of Airports Council International Europe (ACI EUROPE) is to advance the collective interests of Europe's airports and promote professional excellence in airport management and operations. We aim to expand the body of knowledge in airport management and to encourage the exchange of know-how between European airports. We strive to seek co-operation with air transport to vigorously promote a wider and deeper public understanding of the value of air transport and the challenges it faces.

The Board of Directors is mainly composed of the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of 24 member airports – big and small. The Board has authority to take decisions on all relevant issues and is chaired by a President who serves for one year, with the possibility of re-election once. The President is elected by the General Assembly of ACI EUROPE.
Policy input comes from 7 Committees (Policy, Aviation Security, CybersecurityEconomics, Environmental Strategy, Facilitation and Customer Services & Technical, Operations & Safety), 5 Fora (Commercial Forum, Communications Forum, Innovation ForumLeadership & HR Forum and Regional Airports Forum) and several working groups, made up of experts from member airports and world business partners, which also allows ACI EUROPE to stay permanently informed of the real life challenges facing the airport industry.

Cooperation & Collaboration

ACI EUROPE works on a day-to-day basis with the institutions of the European Union, as well as the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL), the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) and all the national civil aviation authorities in Europe. Colleagues in ACI World pursue the same mission with the International Civil Aviation Organization of the United Nations (ICAO) and other world organisations.

ACI EUROPE maintains close relationships with many national airport operator associations and with a number of organisations, with interests related to the aviation. These include the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the European Regions Airline Association (ERA), the Airlines International Representation in Europe (AIRE), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), Airport Regions Conference (ARC), the European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC), the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the European Disability Forum (EDF).

ACI EUROPE naturally maintains regular dialogue on international issues with other regions of Airports Council International (ACI Africa, ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East, ACI Latin America & Caribbean and ACI North America) and our global coordination office, ACI World.