Environmental Strategy Committee

- To monitor and anticipate trends affecting airports in the field of environment and sustainable development and provide advice for consideration by the ACI EUROPE Board;
- To study the implications of European legislation and policy from an environmental and sustainable development viewpoint and provide advice on how ACI EUROPE should respond;
- To promote exchange of best practices between members;
- To ensure and promote cohesion and exchange of information with other ACI EUROPE Committees, especially the Policy Committee, and the ACI World Environment Standing Committee (WENSC);
- To study the implications for European airports of ICAO initiatives and develop ACI EUROPE input.
- Noise
- Climate change and Airport Carbon Accreditation
- Local Air Quality
In addition, it works on transversal topics, impacting the EU institutional and policy framework for aviation environmental policy. The Committee has also recently been working on climate adaptation.
The Environmental Strategy Committee has around 100 members, mainly environmental managers and sectorial experts at airports, e.g. in the areas of noise and air quality, but also representatives of national airport associations and World Business Partners. The work of the Committee is supported by three dedicated Task Forces (for more details, see below) and has focal points for several environmental topics (e.g. local air quality), closely monitoring the relevant policy and technical developments and reporting back to other members.
The Committee meets twice a year. The meetings are usually hosted by members.
The meetings last one day and a half. The first day is open to all Committee members, the second day is reserved to airport members only. During the first day, updates are provided for each of the Committee key focus areas. Relevant policy developments at the European and international level are presented as well, and there are usually external speakers attending, such as EUROCONTROL or the European Commission.
In between the meetings, members receive updates on relevant topics from ACI EUROPE, who may also ask for members’ input into its advocacy activities.
- Actively contribute to the Committee meetings, through presentations on topics / solutions that may support the Committee work and involvement in discussions, providing a valuable, external view on the development of the sector,
- Actively contribute to requests for information / collaboration that may be sent out by ACI EUROPE or Committee members in between the meetings.
- Exchange of best practices and drafting of operational guidance material on noise management
- Contribution to ACI EUROPE advocacy activities, e.g. through the drafting of position papers or replies to public consultations in the context of EU regulatory developments
- Identification of research needs in the area of noise & quality of life and promotion of research activities to address them.