Regional Airports' Forum

For the purposes of this framework, an airport will be considered as regional if:
- It is intended to serve short and medium range routes AND
- It is intended to serve point to point destinations.
Categorisation of regional airports
ACI EUROPE uses the following categorisation of airports:
GROUP 1: Airports welcoming more than 25 million passengers per year
GROUP 2: Airports welcoming between 10 and 25 million passengers per year
GROUP 3: Airports welcoming between 5 and 10 million passengers per year
GROUP 4: Airports welcoming less than 5 million passengers per year
To the purposes of this framework, and in order to reflect the specificities of smaller airports, GROUP 4 Airports will be subdivided as follows:
GROUP 4 a: Airports welcoming between 3 million and 5 million passengers per year
GROUP 4 b: Airports welcoming between 1 million and 3 million passengers per year
GROUP 4 c: Airports welcoming between 200.000 and 1 million passengers per year
GROUP 4 d: Airports welcoming less than 200.000 passengers per year
The Regional Airports Forum is intended to provide a platform for regional airports to exchange knowledge, share best practice and discuss issues of common interest. The Regional Airports Forum is also intended to allow ACI EUROPE to get an in-depth knowledge of the issues and interests specific to regional airports so as to allow a better representation of such interests when lobbying the EU institutions. Conversely, the Forum should also allow regional airports to get information about EU affairs and access the EU institutions.
The Regional Airports Forum is open to all ACI EUROPE Regular Members managing regional airports, National Airport Associations and ACI EUROPE World Business Partners; the forum will not be subject to ACI EUROPE Committee Rules.
The ACI EUROPE Policy Manager in charge of Regional Airports will be ex-officio the ACI EUROPE representative to the Forum. Other ACI EUROPE staff may join the meetings according to the issues on the agenda.
Relations with other ACI EUROPE Committees
The Regional Airports Forum will report (for information purposes) to the Policy Committee. The ACI EUROPE Executive Committee and Board will be informed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman at least once per year about their activities and programmes.
The ACI EUROPE Commercial Forum; the Economics; the Technical, Operational and Safety; Security and Environment Committees will appoint a person to the role of Regional Airports Forum Focal Point. This Focal Point – ideally a regional airport member – will represent the Forum at committee meetings and once a year, inform the Regional Airports Forum on those activities of interest for regional airports (by submitting a short report).
The Regional Airports Forum will hold at least 2 meetings per year and will assist in creating the programme of the annual ACI EUROPE Regional Airports Conference and Exhibition.
Ad hoc Task Forces can be formed and meet as required.
There shall be a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. The Regional Airports Forum may, if Members wish, appoint a Secretary from among its Members.
Officers shall serve for a one-year mandate. The chairmanship and vice-chairmanship are open to Regular Members only. Officers can only be re-elected once. Should there be more than one candidate per post, an electronic vote can be organised by ACI EUROPE, no quorum needed, and the decision will be based on majority of votes cast.
Advisory Group
For urgent policy or industry issues requiring rapid reaction, there will be a Regional Airports Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will be comprised of 5 regular members, who will provide quick responses and assist ACI EUROPE on policy issues regarding regional airports and requiring immediate action. The Advisory Group should respect geographical, size, ownership and organisation balance. The Head of the Advisory Group should assure that all members of the group are consulted when ACI AUROPE submits a request.
Agendas, Highlights, Action Reports and any useful documents will be submitted in electronic form by the ACI EUROPE Manager in charge of Regional Airports.
Members' contact details and any useful document produced by the Regional Airports Forum will be displayed in the Members' Room of the ACI EUROPE website as a resource for all Members.
Chair: Marco Pernetta (Innsbruck Airport)
Vice-Chair: Andrea Andorno (Torino Airport)