OPEN LETTER: Competitive & Sustainable Aviation

Dear Commission President Ms von der Leyen,
On behalf of the European Aviation Industry, we ask you to take immediate action to ensure our industry’s effective and successful transition to net zero - and thus enable us to keep delivering the air connectivity that is crucial for the EU’s cohesion, competitiveness and global position. This is a strategic challenge for the EU, considering that every +10% increase in air connectivity yields +0.5% in GDP per capita along with +1.6% in employment and -14% in poverty reduction.
DESTINATION 2050 is the industry alliance committed to net zero carbon emissions by 2050, representing the key pillars of the European Aviation industry, including civil aeronautical industry such as airframe, engine and equipment manufacturers, airlines, airports, and air navigation service providers. Formed by A4E, ACI EUROPE, ASD, CANSO Europe and ERA, our alliance has just published the updated European Aviation Industry Roadmap, “A Route to Net Zero European Aviation”.
This comprehensive Roadmap review comes with stark warnings:
- Our roadmap shows that we can still meet the 2050 net zero target, but that this will not be achievable without further immediate EU public support,
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) is the key decarbonisation pillar – with massive challenges ahead as regards access to feedstock, production and costs,
- SAFs go hand in hand with more efficient technology & Air Traffic Management (ATM) reducing fuel burn and emissions. The report shows that SAF as well as aircraft and engine technology will account for 83% of emissions reductions by 2050,
- The premium expenditures of decarbonisation have ballooned over the past 4 years, having increased by €480 billion and now reaching €1.3 trillion,
- All this means that we cannot do this alone – and that action from the EU and National Governments is required now to effectively enable the delivery of the clean technologies that Europe’s aviation needs to remain competitive and reach net zero.
It is therefore paramount that European aviation is included in the forthcoming Clean Industrial Deal with a specific Action Plan for our sector that addresses 4 key areas:
- Setting out a SAF industrial policy, including the necessary financial tools,
- The European aerospace sector is a world leader in aircraft, engine and ATM technology. We need to preserve this unique capability. Accelerating research, innovation and deployment through increased funding for SESAR and Clean Aviation in the next MFF is essential. At the same time protecting the budget of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) from further cuts in the next MFF so that new technologies can be certified and deployed without delays,
- Implement the recommendations of Mario Draghi to aid the sector’s transition to net zero. It is paramount to simplify and reduce regulatory burden while ensuring a consistent supportive regulatory and investment framework building on the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation,
- Ensuring our low carbon energy and critical raw material needs are factored in EU & national energy and critical raw material policies and plans.
This request aligns with the joint letter sent to you on 5 February by 16 leading think tanks, civil society groups and other industry associations calling for a joint Decarbonisation and Competitiveness Roadmap that transforms ambition into action.
It would ensure that the EU moves ahead with a comprehensive and holistic Aviation Strategy duly focused on enabling decarbonisation while preserving the unique economic and social benefits of air connectivity.
We have set out in an Annex1 to this letter our proposal for a European Aviation Strategy.
Time is of the essence. The transition to net-zero carbon aviation can only succeed through a well-coordinated and collaborative effort between all stakeholders. Otherwise, our sector risks becoming a casualty of EU Climate Action without the necessary means of implementation, with far-reaching impact on prosperity and competitiveness.
We look forward to engaging with you and working together to make aviation’s transition to net-zero carbon a reality.
Yours sincerely,