Council’s failure to harmonise cross-border travel restrictions puts millions of travel and tourism jobs at risk

Following the adoption today by European Affairs Ministers of a Council Recommendation on travel restrictions, the aviation sector has branded it a failure and issued a stark warning of the potential consequences.
- Does not propose to replace quarantines by testing, effectively meaning borders remain closed.
- Leaves the door open for Member States to refuse entry to citizens travelling from other Member States and also fails to harmonise the rules applicable for cross-border and domestic travel.
- Conflicts with the principle of the EC Communication of 13 May that travel restrictions should be lifted between areas that have equivalent (“sufficiently similar”) epidemiological situations.
- Ignores the ECDC opinion that travel restrictions - and in particular quarantines - are of “questionable effectiveness” when community transmission is on-going - which is currently the case across most of Europe.
- Does not create a sufficient window of certainty for travellers, as Member States have only committed to publishing information on new measures 24 hours prior to their entry into force, as opposed to the five days the Commission had proposed.