SESAR Related Airport Deployment Grouping (SDAG)
The SESAR-related Deployment Airport Grouping (SDAG) European Economic Interest Group includes a group of 25 airports from among those represented by Airports Council International Europe (ACI EUROPE) and that are in the scope of the Pilot Common Project.
SDAG is committed to ensuring that airports implement enhancements that deliver performance improvement and make the necessary investment; to safeguarding that technologies and procedures have proven benefit; and to delivering coordinated deployment together with air navigation service providers and airlines to allow for rapid return on investment.
SDAG support is focused on all European airports and can be summarised under 3 main activities:
1. SESAR Deployment related support
The SESAR Deployment Manager is the official title of the organisation that is coordinating the upgrading of Europe’s air traffic management infrastructure. The main task of the SESAR Deployment Manager is to develop, propose and maintain the deployment of SESAR concepts and technologies and ensure efficient synchronisation and overall coordination of implementation projects, as well as the related investments in line with the Deployment Programme. The tasks of the Deployment Manager are specified in Article 9 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013.
- SDAG is resourcing for the SESAR Deployment Manager
- SDAG fulfils the liaison function between the SESAR Deployment Manager, the European Commission and airports
- SDAG provides all support related to the implementation of the SESAR Deployment Programme
2. Supporting airports in their participation to Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) calls
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted infrastructure investment at European level. It supports the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. CEF investments fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital backbone.
- SDAG supports Pilot Common Project (PCP) related airports
- SDAG supports non-PCP-related airports
The Pilot Common Project, as laid down by Regulation (EU) 716/2014, combines coherent technological improvements aiming at enhancing the performance of the European Air Traffic Management system in the short to medium term. It focuses on those technological improvements deemed as mature enough to start and to be fully deployed in the 2014-2026 timeframe requiring a synchronised implementation among the key investors. The Pilot Common Project also fosters the implementation of key ground-ground and air-ground infrastructural building blocks for the future Common Projects.
3. Supporting airports to become compliant
SDAG supports both PCP and non-PCP-related airports to become compliant with all mandatory rules and regulations when modernising their ATM infrastructure.Supporting services are always tailor-made to the specific needs of your airport.
Our team is composed of 5 permanent members, each with their own specialities. This team is complemented by experienced project-based staff, all of them with a big heart for aviation.

Luc Laveyne Managing Director & Overall Project Oversight

Barbora Smolikova Project Lead & Funding Expert

Cliff Van Craen Communications Support

Tim Laveyne Reporting, Monitoring & Communication Support

Stéphanie Coppin Financial & Administrative Support
With SDAG support, the multi-stakeholder project ''Unifying Safety Nets & Surface Movement'' has been awarded Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding. It is coordinated by Groupe ADP. Find out more here.
Call for Expression of Interest for the following profiles:
- PCBA Expert
- SGA Execution Specialist Expert
Please note that this is an Expression for Interest Call and therefore there is no deadline for submitting applications.
The application process requires 3 documents:
1. A copy of the candidate’s CV and any supporting documents proving the experience requirements;
2. A Letter of Motivation. The letter should also incorporate a declaration of commitment of the candidate to act independently in the public interest, and their availability for the interview.
3. A letter, from the Member organisation supporting the candidate’s application indicating:
- The supporting member organisation
- The candidate’s daily rate
- The candidate’s availability to start the assignment.
Applications should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SESAR Deployment Manager - The European air traffic management modernisation journey continues
SESAR Deployment Manager - Delivering performance benefits to EU passengers, citizens and economy